We’ve come to the last episode in our eight part series focusing on the 8 C’s of Self-Leadership as determined by the Foundations for IFS (Internal Family Systems). We began with my book recommendation of How to Walk into a Room by Emily P. Freeman where I shared how much clarity I gained through reading her words. We’ve progressed from Clarity to Courage, Curiosity, Creativity, Calmness, Confidence, Compassion, Connectedness and back around to Clarity.
That’s the interesting thing about Clarity: as you grow and change new clarity emerges in different areas which helps you continue to grow and change through life.
Here is the link to the FoundationsIFS 8 C’s of Self-LeadershipÂ
Here is the link to the article by James Clear, How Long Does it Actually Take to Form a New Habit?
Here is a link to Emily P. Freeman and her book How to Walk into a Room