You Know You’re a Leader When… Part 1 Episode 10

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Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

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Welcome to part One of this special episode titled, You Know You’re A Leader When…

Lisa speaks to her audience about what it means to be a leader. Lisa knows women who are in leadership positions who don’t step forward into their full authority and opportunity as a leader. So in this episode, Lisa dives into the 10 characteristics of what many people consider effective leadership.

For a long time, leadership was thought to be based on a charismatic personality, a person who could command attention as well as be an effective communicator. Well, over the years of research and study, many different universities taking a look at different aspects of leadership, have found that there are these data points that identify these particular 10 characteristics.

Ten Characteristics of Effective Leadership are outlined three different groups:

Group 1: Core values

Group 2: Emotional intelligence

Group 3: Learning agility

Transformational leadership is about succession planning, you’re investing in future leaders by your model and intentionally paying attention to the types of characteristics listed in this episode.

Join Lisa as we Let Go and Lean In, together…

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