Let Go of: Mindset 15

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Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

Welcome to part two in this mini series: “Learning to Let Go of”.

Today’s episode is all about Mindset. 

There are to kinds mindsets: Fixed and Growth. 

Lisa goes into detail about why we want to learn to let go of having a “fixed” mindset, and how we can teach ourselves to be more open to having a “growth” mindset.

Lisa shares that she recognized that she had developed more of a fixed mindset in specific areas of her life, but wasn’t aware of this until after reading the book “Mindset” by Professor Carol Dweck of Stanford psychology.
We react to these kind mindsets on autopilot. It happens without us even thinking about it. We must grow our awareness of what is happening internally. Over time we have developed habitual response patterns. Until we can slow down enough to examine our thoughts, we will keep reacting. But because of the brain’s ability to grow, you can change your mindset.
Not sure how? Lisa shares 4 valuable steps in ways you can begin to shift into a growth mindset.
Listen to this episode to explore the type of mindset you have around various aspects in your life and how to continue to grow and thrive in your work, personal life and faith.


If you’re ready to take the next step in your personal transformational leadership development, click here to schedule a 20 minute complimentary coaching conversation with Lisa.

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