Let Go, Lean In with Andrea Lende Episode 22

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Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

On this week’s episode, Lisa sits down to chat with Andrea Lende!

Andrea is an author and speaker and serves in her online ministry, Believing Him, where she writes daily devotions and prayers, hosts a Downloads from God Podcast, and shares weekly life-giving messages. She instills hope, gratefulness, and strength in her readers, listeners, and watchers as they are encouraged and seek a deeper walk with the Lord. Her first book, Life After Lupus, shares her journey from sickness to health as the Lord directed her toward a path of complete healing. Her hope is to inspire other chronic illness sufferers to continue to seek health over illness. Her upcoming books will entail devotions and prayers, finding God’s blessings during financial famine with a book called, 99 Blessings While I Was Broke, and her stories and lyrics as God softened her heart.  


Andrea has also given all Let Go, Lean In listeners a free gift: 10 Day Devotions which you can download here!

Connect with Andrea at believinghim.com



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