Episode 33: Let Go,Lean In an Interview with Brittany Couch

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Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

Brittany is a certified life coach with a passion for helping women embrace their leadership role at work, home, and most importantly, in their personal life. She knows what it’s like to feel uncertain, unsettled, and unsure.

And she also knows it doesn’t always have to be that way.

Like many women, Brittany wears a lot of hats. She is a wife, mother of two college kids, and a business owner.

Her career began as an interior designer in the Bay Area.

After having two children, she moved to the Central Coast of California and opened a retail furniture store. This gave her the opportunity to learn about running and growing a small business. It was a fantastic experience, but when the real estate market crashed in 2008 she had to make the difficult decision to close the store.

Soon after, she was presented with an opportunity to manage a non-profit thrift store for her children’s school. It was an opportunity to learn new skills and overcome the challenges of bringing change to an existing business. In this role, Brittany focused on building efficient processes and improving team dynamics. It was here where she learned what it means to not just manage people, but work toward creating an environment and culture that allows people to thrive.

It was also a time where she began to feel uncertain, unsettled, and powerless to move from where she was to where she wanted to be. This feeling sparked a journey of discovery for Brittany, and she decided to enroll in a 10 month coach training program through the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching, one of the top global organizations and accredited by ICF. Once completing the course work and 100 hours of practical coaching experience, and passing a written and oral exam, she became a certified professional coach. In 2017, Brittany launched her coaching business.

On a personal note, Brittany and her husband recently moved from a simple home to 6 acres in San Luis Obispo, California.

Big dreams and plans are in the making, some of them include a small urban farm, hosting retreats, and remodeling a guest house to use as a vacation rental.

Today as a professional coach, she has the honor of working with people who want to feel more confident, tackle their goals, learn to solve their own problems, and discover you really can create a life you love.

Get in Touch with Brittany Couch: Links to Website and Social

Website  brittanycouch.com
Instagram @thebritanycouch

Brittany has a Free Offer for you: 

A worksheet she created called 5 Essential Steps Living the Life You Love, and a 30 minute complementary coaching session using the completed worksheet to get super clear on what living a life you love, means to you.



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