Let Go, Lean In an Interview with Rhonda Peterson, Executive Coach Episode 64

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Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

Rhonda guides financial executives, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders to lean into their ROE (Return on Energy) which increases their ROI, both professionally and personally. Why? This focused energy opens the space for greater impact in your organization because you are doing your best work.

Using her signature Energy Audit, as part of her APPLE framework, Rhonda supports financial professionals as they move beyond just the numbers and into the relational side of leadership, the soft skills needed to lead:

  • Practicing courage and vulnerability 
  • Focusing on engaging their own strengths 
  • Engaging the strengths of their team


Passing on the wisdom gained in coaching leaders and authentically sharing her own leadership experiences helps her clients connect to the importance of how the soft skills of leadership affect the bottom line — that their own energy can make an impact on profits, efficiency, team culture, and more.

Rhonda spent her corporate career in Consumer Affairs and Marketing. Rhonda’s own transformation to an ROE focus meant moving from marketing products to marketing people

This started after a family crisis when her husband was critically injured in a car accident. The four-year recovery journey immensely reshaped Rhonda’s perspective. Over time, she transitioned from marketing product brands into coaching leaders on developing their personal brand for marketplace impact through executive coaching.

Along with her Bachelors of Science in Human Ecology from Ohio State University, Rhonda holds a certification in Executive Coaching from the University of Texas at Dallas. She is a member of the International Coach Federation and the National Association of Women Business Owners Columbus chapter. Rhonda hold’s certification as an Associate Certified Coach and as an ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul Professional.

Rhonda is offering you the opportunity to experience her Energy Audit. Click here to receive access.

Ways to get connected to Rhonda:

Rhonda Peterson



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Episode 64