Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

We learn early what makes the important people in our lives smile, laugh, reward or punish us. We learn to perform to gain a sense of value, a sense of worth.

As we grow we can perform in many ways. William Shakespeare penned the words, “All the world’s a stage” and the ways we choose to live our lives can reinforce the idea of performing a role rather than living authentically.

The idea of the False Self versus the True Self is addressed in the Enneagram. It is a tool that can help us see ourselves more accurately and it gives us ways to reconnect with our True Self and learn to live freely in love.

If we’re to live our True Self, we need to learn to recognize the parts of the False Self that show up so we can learn different, more authentic ways of being.

Galatians 5:6 b says ” the only thing that matters is faith working itself out in Love.”

We are called to Love. Our purpose is to Love. Love God, Love others as we Love ourselves. We need to know ourselves to be able to Love ourselves and others.

Getting to know, leads to grow and leads to Love.

That’s the only thing that Truly Matters: Faith working itself out in Love.

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Episode 77