Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

We’re half way through the 8 C’s of Self-Leadership series. Today we take a look at confidence. Specifically, building confidence when yours might be wonky. What does confidence really mean? How do we build it? What’s challenging about it? Let’s find out!

Confidence is commonly defined as belief in one’s abilities to achieve. For me, that’s not enough to build my confidence. I love word origins. Confidence is built of two Latin roots: con meaning with and fidere meaning trust. Confidence means full trust and assurance.

How do we build trust if we’ve had trust broken? It’s challenging. And it involves developing awareness of your mindset toward change.

I’ve spoken about mindset in an early episode: Let Go of : Mindset

Building Confidence begins by reflecting on your mindset about confidence. Here’s the question to contemplate:

What challenges you about the idea of confidence?

Spend time considering this question. Journal. Talk with a friend, counselor, coach, pastor. Identify your mindset and then take action.

Here is the poem I read by Yung Pueblo

as she looked into her past, she noticed that the road she had traveled was no simple straight line. her journey toward fully loving herself and the world was full of forward and backward movement, twists, turns, detours, and even some pauses. at times, she doubted her progress, her potential, and even her power to change. but today, with the wisdom of experience at hand, she knows she could not have gotten to where she is without every movement she has ever made. (experience)

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Episode 156