It’s a challenge to learn to see from another perspective! There are tools you can gather to help you. Three immediately come to mind and I identify them and unpack them a bit in this episode. Awareness Curiosity Practice Listen to learn how...
This conversation was encouraging to have and then I found myself taking notes as I listened again to the wisdom my guest, Dr. Cindy Kizanis shared. Cindy Kizanis, M.A. MFT, Doctor of Intercultural Studies, is an adjunct professor of Marriage and...
I truly enjoyed my conversation with Carole Duff. She’s an Enneagram One with the desire for all things to be reformed in our world. I hope you enjoy getting to know Carole a bit through our conversation. The ways to connect with Carole are...
I recorded this episode on Monday, March 27. The day three nine year old children and three staff members at a private Christian school in Nashville were killed by a 28 year old woman with assault rifles. I was overwhelmed with the weight of grief;...
I love to share conversations I’m privileged to have recorded for you where you get to learn what the guest is about. In this episode you get to hear a bit of what I am about in the realm of my faith journey. You know by now I talk about...
In today’s episode you hear my conversation with Dorothy Littell Greco. Dorothy is the author of two books on marriage, the most recent one, Marriage in the Middle, is one I’m grateful to have read. Dorothy’s bio is a first person...
I’ve been learning and practicing during Lent so far. Learning when I allow the voice of my Inner Critic to be the one I listen and pay attention to; practicing giving her a job and not having the loudest voice in my head. Learning to identify...
Jessica Richie is a producer and writer. She serves as the executive director of the Everything Happens Initiative at Duke University and the executive producer of the Everything Happens podcast, which hosts wise, funny, and tender conversations...
The concept of self-care has been complicated for many women, myself included. Some teachings have emphasized the self in self-care labeling the concept selfish and anti-Christian. I bought into that line of thinking for many years; not taking care...
I’ve come to Audible slowly. Not an early adopter because I struggled with the legitimacy of reading. I had to talk myself through the process of learning a language whether your heart language or a second or third or more. We learn listening...