Speaker, author, podcaster, Sue Donaldson and her husband, Mark, live in San Luis Obispo, California. Sue taught high school English, part...
Did you know that just under half of the people who have taken an Enneagram assessment have identified as Type 6? Our world needs our Type...
Hillary Bennett is a dynamic, go-getting entrepreneur with 10 years corporate experience, an MBA, the ACC designation through International...
Ennea Type 5 is often referred to as the Observer; this person watches, learns and stores up knowledge for the appropriate time. They are...
Allow me to introduce Maura Barclay. Our conversation is filled with energy and humor; I hope you receive it well. Maura Barclay is a Neuro...
In this overview of the Enneagram core type 4, you’ll hear about the ways a 4 brings beauty and creativity into everything they do...