Episode 48 Enneagram and Leadership Type 6 The Loyalist

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Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

Did you know that just under half of the people who have taken an Enneagram assessment have identified as Type 6? Our world needs our Type 6s to help us find the missing information in a project; to ask the “what if” types of questions that help us think things through. The Loyalist sees what can happen if we don’t take the time to clarify all the potential outcomes.

Type 6 is in the center of the Head Triad and as such spends a lot of time considering how things can work better and safer. Fear is the underlying driving force for the Type 6; they can see what can go wrong in any scenario and they will spend all their energy planning for the “what if”. They think through situations to every possible conclusion, including the worst case scenario.

Their wings are 5 and 7 so they can access the desire for knowledge and deep understanding that their 5 wing offers and the upbeat enthusiastic possibility thinking of their wing 7.

They go to 3 in stress and become very action and achievement oriented; they go to 9 in security which allows the 6 to relax. As Suzanne Stabile says, our lines are helpful to us; they are neither good nor bad.

The Ennea 6 as a leader offers a thorough and thoughtful pattern; no hasty decisions here! The Loyalist as a leader keeps the purpose of a better team, a better product and a better organization at the forefront of their work.

Give this episode a listen and see if you resonate with the Type 6.

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