Episode 52 Enneagram and Leadership Type 8 The Challenger

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Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

This episode marks the first birthday of Let Go, Lean In podcast! There are birthday gifts being given to you; details are at the end of this episode’s show notes below.

Today we hear about Type 8 The Challenger. This Enneagram core type is naturally wired for leadership; they’re the ones who step forward to take leadership in its absence. Like all of us, The Challengers have gifts to offer the world and work they need to do to be emotionally healthy individuals.

Ennea 8, The Challenger has important wing influence: Type 7 The Enthusiast and Type 9 The Peacemaker. We’ll learn more about type 9 in a coming episode but suffice it to say these wings help soften the Type 8 who finds themselves in the Assertive stance in Social Styles and the Confrontational triad in Conflict Styles. The Type 8 has been referred to a bulldozer. You have three choices with a bulldozer:

  1. behind them to follow the path they are leveling;
  2. beside them and risk overspray from the torn up ground; or
  3. in front of them and risk being flattened.

I’m quite familiar with the 8 since as an Ennea 7 the Challenger is one of my wing influences.

The 8 is a force of nature; when in security they lean toward Type 2 the Considerate Helper whose focus is on the betterment of the group. When in stress the Challenger goes to Type 5 The Observer/Investigator and withdraws into quiet and learning. Both these line influences offer softening for the assertive, confrontational type 8.

We need The Challenger to get things done, to question why we still do things the way they’ve always been done and to press for best solutions to any given problem.

If you know an 8 or are an 8 keep watch for when they pull away; that is the indicator they’re in stress. You can help them by giving them that space and inviting them to join in with something productive like community service.

Let Go, Lean In Birthday Celebration!

Here’s how to participate:

  1. Go to http://letgoleaninpodcast.com/ and select the Learn More button. You’ll be prompted to sign up for the monthly Resource Recap newsletter.
  2. Confirm your email address and receive a free download about Boundaries which has essential information for life and leadership.
  3. You will be entered into the drawing for one of three gifts from me.

What are the Gifts?

  • A Copy of the Leadership book of your choice (from my list of favorites discussed during the course of this past year)
  • A free Enneagram assessment ( the one I use with my coaching clients which Ian Cron uses with his clients as well)
  • Three 50-minute coaching sessions with me around the topic of Enneagram and Leadership or individualized- your choice.

I’ll be using an electronic randomizer to choose from the names on the Resource Recap email list. One lucky person will receive all three gifts!

The drawing will take place on September 1. You have until August 31st to sign up at http://letgoleaninpodcast.com/ on the Learn More button.


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