Episode 67 Taking Inventory: What is Working?

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Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

As the year 2021 winds up before it winds down, Lisa put together a final series titled: Taking Inventory. Today’s episode is the first in the series and is sub-titled What is Working? The invitation is to begin a list of what is working right now in three areas: work, life and faith.

We have a natural negativity bias and are able to point out what isn’t working in each of these areas; the challenge is to set aside your growing list of what needs attention or improvement to acknowledge and write down the things that are going well in your work, in your life (personal, relational) and in your faith.

This is also the beginning of the season of Advent in the Christian Church calendar year. Advent means preparation for coming and is generally referred to as the season prior to the birth of the Christ child.

As you are preparing for holidays take time to

  • get quiet
  • reflect on what is working at work, in life and in faith
  • write a list of what is working (you might refer to this as a gratitude list)
  • save the items for the what needs attention list; focus on what is working

Take a moment and give thanks for the items on your list. Perspective taking is a well-documented practice to help your heart, mind and body let go of unmet expectations you have had of yourself and others to make room for gratitude, peace and rest.

In the coming episodes in this series we’ll talk more about how you can apply knowledge of the Enneagram to your work, life and faith. If you have questions or want to know more about the coaching groups mentioned at the end of the episode, reach out to lisa@lisalewiscoaching.com


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Episode 67