Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

Learning what holds you back from being your True Self, your authentic self is a journey of learning and unlearning and reconnecting. Our culture in America defines our value, our success, based on false constructs. We hear the words success, goals, build, grow and then we measure ourselves by those frames of reference.

Fr. Richard Rohr said, “Success is hardly ever your True Self. It’s only your early window dressing. It gives you some momentum for the journey but it is never the real goal.”


In 2004 my family and I took a trip to Sri Lanka to help at an orphanage. That experience transformed my faith practice. I had been living by a false idea that my value or worth was dependent on what and how much I accomplished. While in Sri Lanka I felt God speak in my spirit, “You’re a human BEing, NOT a human DOing. BE with these people.”

I remember this well. This began my learning to practice being present with others by being with them, listening intently to their ideas, hurts, sorrows; just being. God is present to each of us this way all the time. We are invited to be like Christ, we are being transformed into His likeness, so practicing presence with others is totally doable.

Let me know your thoughts and especially let me know if you have questions!

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