Let Go of: Unrealistic Expectations Episode 14

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Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

In this episode of Let Go, Lean In Podcast Lisa introduces a new series called, “Let Go of”.  On today’s episode, Lisa talks about the importance of Letting Go of Unrealistic Expectations.

It’s important to unpack what we can be learning to let go of, in order to lean in the life that God created fully, especially as women in transformational leadership spaces.

Lisa defines what expectations are, what makes certain expectations unrealistic and how to find out what we can do to make changes in a particular area in our life. Because let’s face it, we all have them in one place or another…

There are healthy perspectives, and ones that are not so healthy.

Lisa speaks transparently about her personal journey in shifting toward healthy perspectives and expectations. and sometimes it takes outside support when we need a change. 

Encouraging word from Lisa: “Let go of unrealistic expectations so that your heart is free of resentment and bitterness… and you can move toward thriving in your one precious life”

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Online Counseling Services


Talk Space


Creating Realistic Expectations During Unreal Circumstances

Managing Expectations

Creating Realistic Expectations During Unreal Circumstances

Managing Expectations


If you’re ready to take the next step in your personal transformational leadership development, click here to schedule a 20 minute complimentary coaching conversation with Lisa.

Be sure to sign up on Lisa’s email list here and connect with her on social media:

instagram.com: @lisa_lewis_coaching



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