You Know You’re a Leader When… Part 2 Episode 11

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Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

Read the complete transcript here 

Welcome to part Two of this special episode titled, You Know You’re a Leader When…


Ten Characteristics of Effective Leadership. In part one of this episode, Lisa outlined all 10 characteristics briefly and told you that in her humble opinion, they belong in three different groups. The first one I labeled core values and those two characteristics are integrity and courage.

The second group Lisa put together of the remaining eight characteristics belongs in the category she has labeled emotional intelligence. Those characteristics are self-awareness, gratitude, empathy and respect.

In the second half of this episode, we’re going to take a look at the characteristics that Lisa put in the category called skills and she’ll tell you a little bit more about each of these. Focusing on the ability to delegate, have clear communication, learning agility and influence. We hope you find some benefit from recognizing what characteristics you already possess, but then also seeing or perhaps growing your awareness of an area that you can develop still. So thanks for tuning in for part two.


Join Lisa as we Let Go and Lean In, together…


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