I am naturally curious and I love asking questions. The title of this episode is the reflective question I’m inviting you to ponder: How do you bear the Imago Dei? If you haven’t thought much about your answer to this question I hope...
Mary Oliver wrote these now famous words: Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? For twenty years I have been growing away from doing to grow into simply being. If you were to write a To Be list, what would be on it...
Kathy Hamilton is a dear friend who continues to practice intentional personal, professional and spiritual growth. In our conversation you will hear several nuggets of practical, actionable wisdom and you’ll be encouraged for your own journey...
In the final episode of this four part series titled Taking Inventory, I invite you to consider what you need and/or want to let go of in order to make room for what’s next in the coming year. After spending time taking inventory you have some...
Continuing the series titled Taking Inventory, this episode is part 3 of 4 and is called To Do vs. To Be. In this second week of Advent the theme for this week is Peace. Lisa encourages you to make a comparison list similar to a Pros/Cons list but...
This is part two of the four part series titled Taking Inventory. In this solo episode, Lisa speaks about the negativity bias we all have and makes suggestions in how to kindly address the bias and make a plan of action. Speaking of planning for...
As the year 2021 winds up before it winds down, Lisa put together a final series titled: Taking Inventory. Today’s episode is the first in the series and is sub-titled What is Working? The invitation is to begin a list of what is working right...