Time and current events have been a whirlwind swirling around and within. Today I want to offer us three grounding thoughts, two resources and leave you with a blessing from John O’Donohue. My hope is that you will receive a moment of peace in...
If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the last four years, it’s this: acting like an ostrich in the face of uncertainty doesn’t get rid of anxiety. I have learned some helpful practices and have talked about many of them in...
It’s been more than a few minutes since my last episode 146 encouraging you to read David Brooks’ latest book How to Know a Person. I’ve been thinking a lot about the ways books have enhanced my life. I chose four positive effects...
Today I want to disspell the myth that creativity belongs only to artists who sell their art. That was the definition I believed for years. This very narrow definition kept me from identifying myself as creative. It also kept me from playing with...
In this unique episode, I pull back the curtain to reveal who and what is behind Let Go, Lean In Podcast. I also have a reminder of the invitation to join a coaching group using the Enneagram wisdom for growth and development. Click this link to...
Kathy Hamilton is a dear friend who continues to practice intentional personal, professional and spiritual growth. In our conversation you will hear several nuggets of practical, actionable wisdom and you’ll be encouraged for your own journey...