Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

There are 12 days to the New Year 2023. When I was ten, that year was so far in the future the date belonged in science fiction writing! Now it’s upon us. How does that feel to you? Are you paying attention?

We’ve been given some terrific portable tools to pay attention to the effects of change or to discern how to make change we desire. Learning how to use the tools God has given us within ourselves takes practice. What are the tools? How do we make use of them?

The Enneagram calls these tools our Centers of Intelligence. We have three of them: Head (thinking), Heart (feeling), Body (instinct). Learning how to pay attention to the wisdom each Center brings us takes practice. Practicing paying attention to the wisdom of the Centers often works best when done with others by hearing what others are experiencing as well as expressing what you are practicing. This is why I am offering Group Coaching through the Enneagram beginning in January.

All the details can be found at the top of this website or onĀ

Click the word Groups and you will be taken to the page with all the details and the link to sign up. If you decide to participate and you sign up before the end of December, you will receive a new tool I’ve created called Affirmations and Actions. This tool is free for you as a thank you for signing up early.

Group Coaching through the Enneagram will be limited to eight women in each group with a limit of four groups total. Talk to a friend and sign up together to go on this journey of learning and applying the wisdom of the Enneagram to your work, life and faith.

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Episode 96