Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

Starting this episode a bit differently with a personal reflection on my computer use; connecting this anecdote to the question What difference does a small change make? You’ll learn more than you want to know about me but I also share a practical tool and the insight I’ve gleaned in relationship to the posture toward time.

The words of Albert Einstein inspire me. He has many words attributed to him; this quote inspires me to change and grow:

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

These words point me to the difference between management and leadership. Management is intended to keep the status quo functioning. Don’t rock the boat, employ systems to maintain what already works.

Leadership is focused on vision. What can be that is not yet? How can change be effective for greater good?

If you want to live a wholehearted life, change and growth are integral.

A piece of ancient wisdom points to change and growth as well. It has helped remind me to steward time as a gift and resource that I don’t get back. This comes from the Prayer Book of Israel, the Psalms, 90:12

Teach us to number our days that we might gain a heart of wisdom.

Counseling, mentors and working with a coach have all been integral in my own process of formation. I imagine they can be of help to you in yours.

Reach out. You’ll be glad you did.

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Episode 91