Our guest today is Megan Bunnell of Tantalum Coaching. Megan is a generous soul whose desire is for all people to unleash their 10/10 lives! In fact she is hosting a podcast summit featuring Olympians, authors, and other stellar folks beginning this...
Time and current events have been a whirlwind swirling around and within. Today I want to offer us three grounding thoughts, two resources and leave you with a blessing from John O’Donohue. My hope is that you will receive a moment of peace in...
We’re half way through the 8 C’s of Self-Leadership series. Today we take a look at confidence. Specifically, building confidence when yours might be wonky. What does confidence really mean? How do we build it? What’s challenging...
Welcome, Welcome to episode 150 of Let Go, Lean In Podcast! This also happens to be the first episode of Year 4. It’s hard to believe I’ve been talking with you about Leadership for four years! I’ve shared about leadership...
It’s been more than a few minutes since my last episode 146 encouraging you to read David Brooks’ latest book How to Know a Person. I’ve been thinking a lot about the ways books have enhanced my life. I chose four positive effects...
I am so glad you’re reading these words because I want to recommend reading some even better words in the form of a great book! How to Know a Person: the Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen by David Brooks This book is on point...
Establishing new rhythms for my work, life and faith in 2024 have taken longer than they used to! All of January I was discerning what to keep, what to let go and where to lean in so I was read to really get going in February. However, my best...
What does it mean to connect the dots if we don’t have the dots collected in one place? This episode adds a Why to the What and How of living a dot to dot life. I heard the phrase Collect, Connect, Correct this week when I attended an online...
Amanda Cleary Eastep is not related to Beverly Cleary but wishes she were. She is, however, a children’s author, and the Tree Street Kids is her middle grade series for readers 8-12. Amanda knows kids because she’s still one at heart. When she is...
A few weeks ago, our pastor posed a question that I’ve been mulling around: how do I intentionally invest in my well-being? In light of the loneliness epidemic and the isolation that can come with the second half of life, it’s...