Hosted by
Lisa Lewis

Today’s conversation is with Ruthie Gray, whose book Empty Nest Awakening launches TODAY!

Ruthie Gray is a wife, Gigi, empty nester, and content marketing consultant for Christian entrepreneurs, specializing in community building for Instagram and newsletter growth. Her hobbies include Florida beach walks, RV-ing with hubby, and reading historical fiction. Ruthie is the founder of Authentic Online Marketing School where she teaches her Community Marketing Framework, and podcasts at Authentic Online Marketing (so easy, your mom – or Carol Brady – can do it). Connect with her on Instagram or her website

Ruthie’s writing voice aligns with her speaking voice; you’ll recognize her immediately if you listen to her podcast, Authentic Online Marketing

There are so many nuggets of wisdom in her words; our conversation flew by! We spoke about the leadership value of Accountability. Ruthie shared why accountability is so important for a leader both for themselves and for the people they lead.

I’m considering having her back on a future episode since Ruthie’s audience is in the same season as you are. Ruthie has graciously offered you all the pre-order goodies for her book if you order today! I’ve really enjoyed learning from her and I know you will too!

I want to encourage you to connect with Ruthie in the ways I’ve embedded above plus on all her social media spaces.

Please let me know what you learned from Ruthie and why you think we need her back on Let Go, Lean In on a future episode.
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Episode 130